Saturday, 18 May 2013


One would be thinking why it has taken me almost a week to write on “Mothers’ Day” which is celebrated annually. The delay is simply due to the internal conflict I was experiencing on why we should have a specific day in celebrating mothers.

This conflict stems from the fact that becoming a mother, both biologically or otherwise is no joke. On the side of biological ones, a lot of people tend to look at it from the pains and other forms of discomfort they go through in the 9 months but I think it should be more than that.

I rather think it should be looked at from the act which even leads to pregnancy in the first place, be it in the bedroom or anywhere the couple may deem it appropriate to have it. Due to the complex nature of pregnancy, sometimes this act does not occur once but a number of times just for a woman to be confirmed pregnant.

If all biological mothers share their experience of the act which leads to pregnancy, some would classify theirs as not just an act but an “ordeal” as a result of the “excess” pains they bear in the course of it.

Finally when confirmed pregnant, the 3 trimesters (9 months) journey begins. This is where a number of women “go blank” with some behaving as if they have never been taught how to dress and to which occasion, with all due respect to ladies. By this, some lose their sense of dressing, taste and even how to relate to others completely.

Nobody can blame them for this as the 9 months could be full of uncertainties but with the help of doctors, family members and personal efforts by these women, the journey could be a smooth one.

When the 3 trimesters are finally over, a baby or set of babies are expected to “arrive” safely though, some mothers are not able to finish the final lap with either losing their lives, that of the baby or babies or both of the mother and baby or babies. This is stage is what I refer to as the “true judgment” thus giving account of the 9 months aside all the difficulties that come with pregnancy....

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